16 October 2012

the here and now

Murphy meanwhile has returned to his default state of bandaged leg, socks & plastic bags, lampshade and no walks. Boohoo!:((

Pooor Murphy. This is his back leg, where he had a growth and he's now had it cut off - a traumatic day that was , last Friday - I got asked to come and collect him early as he was upset. I thought he'd been barking but no, he was crying - I've never heard him do that before!

I had to take him into the office with me, but he was very well-behaved and lay quietly next to my desk, just where everyone was trying to walk (no change there then).

When I got him home he went looking for Maddie (out on her evening rampage) but when she got back she spent the evening thinking his (admittedly tennis ball-coloured) bandaged leg was an actual tennis ball and barking at him to give it to her!

Things have quietened down now and we've adopted and adapted, not taking Maddie out until there's someone to distract Murphy from the terrible truth that he can't have any walks for a week. After his sitting in the hall and (literally) howling when I took Maddie out at 8am on Sunday, we acknowledged the needfulness of this.

Monday's dressing-change was a success so roll on Thursday! I've been pushing weights to prepare for holding him down to prevent him eating the bandages so we're all prepared!!!

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