Hero No. 1 is currently on house arrest - again. This time because we took him to the vets and one thing led to another... ending in him having an operation to remove a lump from his leg (which is benign, btw) which has left a large hole in his back leg.
He's not allowed any walks at all. You'd think he'd be used to it by now, and it's certainly a good job he's eight now - if we tried this when he was three all hell would have broken loose. Indeed, I had to leave work and go and get him 3 hours early cos he was upset at being left at the vet and was crying (that's a first). I had to take him back to work where he was very good and lay quietly next to my desk (just where everyone walks, he's a genius at that). Except from the time he decided to go visit Sam (the only guy in the office) - not sure if he thought Sam hadn't given him enough attention or whether he was just looking for some male company, but I looked round for him and there he was, sitting next to Sam with his chin on his knee.
I nearly had to take him to a presentation to my Fashion Management students - he'd have been fine although I'm not sure how they'd have reacted! Luckily another colleague came to the rescue and did it for me. Go Sally!
We've had to adapt our walk routine and not take Maddie out unless someone else is in the house to distract poor old Murfs. This because by Sunday he'd had enough of being left behind and when I got up early and took Mads out at 7.30am he sat in the hall and literally howled! R had to come down and get him, he was SO not happy (Editor's note - he's never howled in his life before).
We've got vet visits to change bandages every 3 days now and he's got another week of house arrest. Maddie's too scared to go ahead of me on her own when I walk her in the woods, which is kinda weird. Too used to having big sidekick around. But she's getting bored in the garden and has taken to escaping again - so we're back to Operation Wall Build-up. Yippee!
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