18 November 2013

Would anyone like a new husband?

Well new to them, anyway. My blasted husband has put all my carefully-marked Christmas catalogues into the bin! (Oh, sorry we're middle class so it was the recycling). Aaaaarrrrgh!!!! "Oh, I thought they were all for the rubbish." Huh! Didn't want piles of things on the coffee table, more like!

How the hell am I supposed to get those difficult-to-source pressies for my friends' wee girls? I could kill him! At least some of his intended gifts were in there, so he'll lose out as well. Hmph!

New week

It's always the sensational stories I put on here, when someone's been misbehaving or showing themselves/us up - which is the exception rather than the rule; maybe this blog gives a false view of  the munters.

So in an effort to redress the balance, I would just like to announce that Maddie was as good as gold all weekend and by Sunday evening had even come back to lie quietly under the table at tea time. It's taken her over a week to recover from the effects of the fireworks, but hopefully normal service is now resumed.

15 November 2013

Continuing the good work

To encourage the eating of vegetables rather than sugar - and also the well-mannered use of cutlery as opposed to eating out of plastic bags on the lawn - I was teaching Maddie to eat peas off of a fork tonight.

Things were going well until Murphy took matters into his own paws ( or jaws)!


After a couple of days (well, OK, a day) of being subdued after the peppermint cream debacle, Maddie was bouncing around again this morning, as poor Gizzy can attest! I looked on her fondly, thinking, "Bless her, she's feeling better again" as she tore back & forward round the track at 100 miles an hour. A funny thing I noticed was as I was scooping her poo, it was very orange. "Oh well, must be a side effect from the chocolate."

Got back from our early morning walk (bounce) and fed them. Then noticed a(n empty) plastic bag on the lawn - which upon closer investigation turned out to once have held carrots. Carrots?!!

For over ten years I have kept the vegetable basket in the utility room and nobody has paid any attention to the contents! Obviously I am aware that Maddie (and therefore Murphy, in case he's missing out) is very fond of raw carrots and can hear one being chopped at two miles, but she's never before made that link to the vegetable basket.

Ooooh dear.

Still, on the positive side, carrots are definitely better than peppermint creams!

14 November 2013

I haven't made this clear enough...

.. in the past, so I'll get it out there now -

I - HATE - THAT - DOG!!!

The peppermint creams I spent all last night dunking in chocolate went down a treat, by the way - with Maddie!

3am - hearing a muffled bark and alert as always to the possibility of trouble, I shot out of bed and went to see if Maddie and the cat were facing off. I found Maddie sitting up in her crate, holding - yes, you've guessed it - a neatly-tied plastic Pudsey bag in her mouth, with Mars Bar Crispies in. She growled in a half-hearted manner as I took it off her - she knew she'd done wrong! Just how wrong was about to be laid bare...

Beside her in the crate were the remains of about four or five - now empty - Pudsey bags. NOOOOO!

I shot through to the dining room (I'd left the results of the last three nights' work neatly tied up in those bags, ready for sale at the Guides' Children in Need coffee evening tonight) and the devastation was clear even without my glasses. One of the chairs had been left pulled back from the table - leaving her an easy stepping stone onto the table - and there were several more empty, ripped bags on the floor.

I've never actually felt like crying over her shenanigans before, but last night was the night! I can just imagine her walking the length of the table, picking one, carrying it all the way back to her crate, devouring the contents and back for another one. Lord knows how long this had been going on - all night, probably. I don't know why she picked out the bags of peppermint creams first but they are ALL gone - 50 peppermint creams dipped in chocolate. If I hadn't come down the Tiffin and the Mars Bar Crispie would undoubtedly have gone the same way.

And by this morning (although she was bouncing off the walls as a result of eating about a pound of icing sugar), she hadn't even had the decency to be sick!

13 November 2013

Ungrateful cat

And here she is - resolutely ignoring the custom-made, cosy radiator bed we spent good money on!

From there to here

Have a look at the first picture of Murphy on here - and here he is now, 9 years later. Not much has changed except he only inhabits the kitchen now when he's waiting for food (his or anyone else's, he's not fussy!)

Gosh, this is boring!

I've just been rereading a few of the original posts about Murphy's doings - they're much funnier than my posts now - either I've got really boring or the munsters have become paragons of virtue.

Answers on a postcard, please!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the lovely, cuddly new radiator cat-bed/tunnel I ordered for Gizzy has arrived and (with much swearing) been assembled and attached to a radiator.

And has she used it? Of course not! She's looked closely at it and I've even put her in it (she continued through and jumped out the other end) and put her on top of it (she jumped down).

Nae luck. I don't know why I bother!

10 November 2013


Poor Maddie - it's amazing how my view of fireworks has changed - I love them but poor Maddie is terrified of them.

The neighbours had some on Friday night and we weren't expecting it. Luckily none of the three of them were outside so we got the door closed to stop anyone inadvertently exiting though the cat flap.

Maddie disappeared and it was a while before we found her - she'd not gone to her crate, she'd gone into the vestibule and hid at the back of all the coats. Poor wee thing.

After that she lay under the side table (her usual spot) and shook, refusing a bit of pizza (perhaps there's a diet tip in there somewhere?) until the noises abated.

We knew she was better when she came back out and demanded the pizza. All better!

A merry dance

Well here we are again, and I've been meaning to tell a few stories -

Last week Richard went to bed before I did, and (alhough she NEVER does this for me) Maddie went and snoozed on the bed. I decided not to force her downstairs since she would undoubtedly growl at me and fight attempts to remove her, waking Richard.

To be honest, I thought she'd get bored and go off to sleep downstairs anyway.

So, Richard wakes up and decides to shift Maddie downstairs. She duly grumbles but goes downstairs with him. On the way back up he stops off at the bathroom; meanwhile Maddie has discovered that the other door is open and has delightedly trotted back upstairs and onto the bed to wait for him, tail thumping!

I couldn't help but lie there, waiting for him to come back, pretending to be asleep - but it was really hard not to give myself away by laughing out loud! I just lay there, giggling & shaking silently, while Richard got back into bed and discovered his faithful hound was re-awaiting him!

Although in the end I had to get up and help, since she was having such good fun giving him the runaround!