28 October 2008

winter has arrived

it snowed today! I couldn't go running, it looked too slippy so I did the ironing instead. Murphy was NOT impressed!

26 October 2008


I had a great blog entry for this but Gizzy managed to sabotage it (at least I'm blaming her, it might have been me, who knows?) she came and sat on my lap(top) and promptly fell down the side of my leg when she curled up. i was just writing about it when suddenly the computer switvhed itself off...hmmm

So I'll forget about telling you how everything is now settling down again and my morning runs with Murphy in the dark.. and go before she switches anything else off! She stretched out beside me now with a paw hanging off the edge of the sofa..

btw I bought my first Christmas present on Friday!

23 October 2008

and hello murphy!

forgot I hadn't expressed our delight at seeing our bold hero again after the holidays - he was off course DELIGHTED to see us when we pitched up for him. back and forward, back and forward, circling us, incredibly excited, then straight to the car, let me in!

I'd packed him off with his bed, blanket, bucket and toys and new lead. I got him back with the blanket...

he shredded the bed on the first night (always a danger) and god knows what happened to the rest of the stuff. But as he's chewed off the handle to the toy bucket on a previous incarceration it wasn't much loss. But I'll have to get him another new lead now! cheers darlin'

thanks Gizzy

she's still refusing any food not to her liking; I think we've narrowed it down now... but I happened to go into Nick's room this evening and she's on the windowsill checking out the goings-on outside (none) - but horror of horrors! what's this? she's puked on the windowsill and down onto the floor behind the TV.. yeurgh! - and not today either - sigh, get the rubber gloves out..

10 October 2008

tears before bedtime

I just hate taking him to the kennels - and it always ends up my job. Although I wouldn't want not to be there, but he's getting to work out pretty quick what's going on now - this time he jumped out the car, said hello to the woman and jumped back in! I had to make him go into his run, he wasn't going to go voluntarily.

I cried on the way home, I haven't done that since the first time we dropped off Eddie and Murphy and I cried all the way home! But it's been a tough week so that's my excuse...

at least we'll see him soon, that's the best bit it makes coming home from holiday much better!

09 October 2008

guide dog

So Murphy had an exciting night tonight... I had to take him to Guides cos there was no-one home and I didn't want him home alone. They loved him!!! He was a bit scared to be honest, but was pretty well behaved really. I had to sit with him to stop him joining in dodgyball though!

Now he's a bit knackered...

08 October 2008

running dog

apart from the negative effects of Murphy yanking my arm backwards as I ran forwards, I enjoy our runs in the mornings. But it's now dark when we leave so today I dressed him in my high-viz running string vest, anchoring it on with his running harness. he didn't seem to mind and I thought it suited him... unfortunately I hadn't taken into account it wasn't Murphy-proof. After one run inot the field he came back with bits of it torn and his leg through a hole. Afte that I had to stop every 5 minutes and tie a bit on!

So I'm going to get him a proper dog high-viz jacket-thing (to match mine) = watch this space!

pain & frustration

I am having a bad time... richard's away, I'm struggling under the weight of running the household (I know... but I have to take Emily out driving practice and she's only had one lesson!) and walking the dog on my own. My neck/shoulder are KILLING me since Murphy yanked away to sniff at a garden on Monday's run and I spent an hour and half on two computers last nigth and achieved exactly nothing! Mine wouldn't print, the big one wouldn't recognise the keyboard; then i spent 40 minutes trying to ask Ticketmaster how to get my money back... and failed. started that one agin tonight and have found out how - but want to phone the number and the phone's not working!! AARRGGHH!

Gizzy meanwhile seems to have got over last night's disappointment at my having chucked out her stash and is now safely ensconced on my (our) bed snoozing. Which is more than I'll be doing unless I give in and take some painkillers... where's that bottle?

06 October 2008

gizzy on the weed?

See the evidence.. Gizzy is making the most of Richard's temporary absence by indulging in some possibly illegal substances... I found this ripped-open packet of herbs next to the kettle when I got home tonight. Maybe she thought it was catnip? I thought it was oregano but she knows better...

Then I caught her up on the counter again - this time drinking out of a bowl of olive oil!! Too much herbs is clearly not good for her...