26 May 2015

New dog, old issues

So we've got wee pupster in our life now. I should probably be more specific. We've got a young dog/puppy in our lives. This is Glen, Emily's puppy. He's not wee - at 6 months he's bigger than Maddie and as tall as Murphy. He's a short haired German pointer. (Currently only points at the cat) and he's more trouble than Maddie ever was!

(Here he is not wanting to go on his walk cod it's raining)

He's a counter surfer as well but he has longer legs! So nothing's safe - he has a habit of getting the kitchen cloth (he's eaten one already), he took an onion out the vegetable basket (at least Maddie sticks to carrots), he boxes Maddie cod he wants her to play (no chance) and on Sunday he got my bottle of sparkling water. I'd left it on the floor by the sofa and realised he had something in his mouth and was doing that shaking things they do. He was having a wonderful time to himself! Til I realised it was my bottle he had! 

I got it off him and make the fatal mistake of opening it. Oops! It exploded everywhere! (It was a litre bottle). I'll be a
touch more careful next time.

He's a real wriggly troublemaker but he's lovely anyway! Once he calms down he'll be fine, like Maddie is now. 😄

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