I haven't blogged for a while - moving onto Instagram and Twitter, being as how they're more immediate. Plus I can't type properly and get so fed up having to go back and correct it all the time! However I'm composing an ode - to the cold - so blogging is better suited.
I'm never ill - ask anyone. I breenge along, full of rude health and energy, when all around me are catching things left, right and centre. I attribute this to a normal 70's upbringing, leading to a very healthy immune system, plus a relatively upbeat attitude to life. And lots of exercise and outdoor air, not in a city (thank you dogs).
Every now and again though, something hits. In the same way that my lack of experience being ill leads me to have little sympathy with those who are (I may have got that from my mother, but I do try, honest!), it also leads me to being a bad patient - and if I get a cold, it's the manflu! None of this struggling along uncomplaining for me - if I'm sick, everyone's going to know about it!
I've had horrendous coughs before but they usually go away after a couple of weeks. I've had the odd flu-like episode (and running a 10k with no training whatsoever beforehand a couple of years ago knackered my body enough to give me a stomach-flu) but these pass after a couple of days.
This year, I've broken all records. As of tomorrow I've had the cold for 6 weeks! I've been through all rehearsals and the performance of the Christmas Carol Service complete with tissues and cough mixture (NB - even when I can't hit the notes just above middle C, I can still get the high ones beautifully - clearly the cold doesn't affect those parts of the vocal chords). I've annoyed my colleagues at work by coughing all over their telephone calls for this period. I've gone through three bottles of cough mixture and four boxes of tissues (thankfully balsam-impregnated), my nose is permanently raw but could've been a lot worse - thank you Kleenex! I've passed the cold on to at least two people, who are now over it. Hmph!
I'm definitely getting there - although to be fair I thought that a week or so ago, at which point I went on our work's Christmas lunch and we were kicked out the pub at 1am when they closed. Twelve hours of talking (and/or drinking) just gave me a new/worse cold all over again!
However I've been more careful since and although I've been up to at least midnight most nights trying to get al the usual stuff done - baking, christmas cards, Facebook, Twitter etc I do feel I'm finally getting on top of it.
I'm back swimming (had to stop for a month after I got a tattoo) and I think that helps. Exercise is the key! As long as you have the energy and can breathe properly.
So six weeks and counting, but I can see the end of the tunnel now. Just in time for a prolonged period of Christmas stay-up-late nights and festive drinking...! Watch this space (or just listen for me coming)
Oh and PS - Maddie ate the bread we bought for breadcrumbs and was so anti-giving-it-back this morning I've got a sore finger now too!
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