The weather has taken a turn for the worse. And that was exactly what I took yesterday morning, having skited my way up and down the road to walk the dogs. I leapt on my bike in the usual fashion and headed off down the hill, swinging off to the left as always. Only this time for some reason the bike didn't make it. I found myself sliding along the road on my side, hoping I wouldn't wear a hole in my jeans.
Luckily, I didn't, but I did break a pedal, snap the heel off one boot and gather various bumps including a whacker of a bruise on my knee and a sore ankle and shoulder. Never mind giving the two schoolgirls who (bless 'em) ran up, gasping "Are you OK?" good reason to think I had hit my head as I havered away about being fine and high heels. (!!)
The reason for all of this drama? Well, I hit a patch of black ice as I was turning that corner and the bike slid away from me. One of several cyclists I've since heard of who did exactly the same or came close.
Reasons to be cheerful, Part 1 - I was wearing jeans, a puffer jacket and thick fleece gloves. The day before I was in a short skirt and tights - doesn't bear thinking about!
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