Well, Maddie managed to round off the year with a spectacle; having finished off my Cadbury's chocolate biscuits for me (I only had two before finally discovering the empty box under her bush in the garden) last week, we woke on the 30th to find she had polished off the (fortunately almost finished) Black & Green's mint dark chocolate bar and also the chocolate Santas Nick had left on the coffee table. probably including most of the tin foil too - a welcome nod to the festive season I feel!
All of which resulted in me having to take an extremely hyper springy spaniel out for their walk that morning and apologise and explain to various other dog owners.
Meanwhile my Sony e-reader (Christmas present as I refused to have a Kindle) is so far a huge failure. I have after much cussing and retries managed to buy and download 3 books, one twice, one without a cover and a fourth not at all (sigh). The instructions you eventually find are completely useless as they simply don't work or refer to scenarios which are either not available or don't show up....grrrrrrr
Have I ever mentioned that I have an adverse affect on IT? Went on Skype for the first time tonight, urged on by some good friends at lunch in Glasgow (what a great couple of days we had there, seeing all my old friends!) to find my laptop apparently doesn't have a mike (which I know isn't true) so can't work for Skype and my netbook apparently has too slow a computer connection to work. Ever felt the world is conspiring against you?
Still, I will not let the New Year be tarnished by these negative associations. I will savour the last week with all our gallivanting around and catching up with friends (did I mention what wonderful friend I have?) and resolve to visit the Sony store SOON with e-reader and laptop in tow and make them fix it all for me.
So there. Take your life in your hands, that can be my New Year's resolution. Slainge!!
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