17 May 2011


It's interesting - I'm a Research Assistant on a project looking at police blogging and I've been doing some preparatory reading before starting a literature review of the subject. I had no idea there could be so many different reasons for and types of blogging! It's really made me think why I do it and if I could do it better or differently.

I started the blog in 2007 as a way to share my Murphy stories, rather than trying to remember who I've told what, so I try to keep the posts strictly to dog and cat stories, but maybe that's really boring for people? I don't know as I never get any feedback - on the other hand that probably just means nobody's reading it. Clearly I'm doing something wrong! I would like to think I'm connecting with someone out there.

So I'm going to a) try to remember to add labels and b) try to add a bit more variety to the subject matter. Move over Murphy!

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