22 May 2011

made it!

Well all you imaginary friends out there (except for one real one who I know reads this blog - hello!) will be relieved to hear that I completed this morning's 10k race in under an hour - 58.31 minutes in fact, although I'll get my proper time when the chips are processed, there was a slight delay in my button-pushing (although it's exactly the same watch I use every time I go running so why I had a momentary brain lapse as to how to start the stopwatch as I crossed the start line I don't know) so it may be a couple of seconds faster but I'm not nit-picking!

And why are you relieved, I hear you ask? Well, because I'm relieved! I've never done it in more than the 60 minutes and that's a big black line in my head that I REALLY don't want to cross - the territory of old fogies and unfit half-triers! (all opinions expressed in this blog are entirely personal and in no way represent the views of any sane or reasonable person, by the way) - so the thought of straying into this territory, due entirely to the fact that I didn't get off my bahoukie soon enough to get training, was preying on my mind.

Anyway, in the event I needn't have worried. Thanks to pleasant running weather - bit windy but overcast and with rain constantly threatening but not appearing - I managed to stagger round in the due time. Apart from despair at 5K when I realised I'd gone over the required time per k to make it, which was alleviated when the 6k marker came up very shortly thereafter (someone was 'avin' a larf, guvnor!) and I was on track after all...

By the way, if you have any close friend or member of your family doing something like this, I would recommend you go and cheer them on - it makes an incredible difference to see a friendly face cheering you personally as you stagger round, purple in the face and trying not to breathe too loudly! Richard was supposed to be running too but didn't feel well so brought the dogs and they all stood and cheered me on at 4k (OK, telling me to hurry up wasn't too encouraging but I took it in the spirit it was - no doubt - intended). And Maddie was fine with all the crowds and in fact looked quite mesmerised at all the legs going past.

I made it to the end, dragging out the last of my reserves for a wee sprint to the finish (nearly bringing on my asthma once I was over the line) and duly collected my 25th Anniversary medal - I really felt I'd earned it this time!

So - which one next?!!!

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