05 April 2017

The Incorrigibles

So on today's walk (I had to go up to the shops just past the play park) Maddie went into the Co-op on the way past (there and back!) - this is quite common for her, it's a motion-activated sliding door and when a door opens as you go past, what's a dog to do? (Luckily it's the fruit and veg that greet you as you go in, otherwise I think we'd have paid a fortune for half eaten rolls and cakes by now).

Then I attempted to avoid the school carpark on the way back and crossed some waste ground next to it, taking a short cut back to the play park. I should have known better. While I was concentrated on Murphy, who didn't see us going that way and couldn't find us, Maddie found a treasure of her own - a pizza box. And not empty! I've never seen 3 pieces of pizza eaten so fast. She knew fine she shouldn't have been eating it and ran away behind a whin bush (gorse) till she was done. Grrr/...

Murphy then stopped by the doughnut-thing in the play park to investigate the possibility of there being further cat-treat-containing bags (see picture) and all in all, the walk was longer than anticipated - which was a bit of a problem as I was supposed to be picking Richard up from the airport. Luckily the plane was late and it took me half the time to get there I thought it would, so all was well.

Welcome home, Richard!
(The return of the Prodigal Son!)

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