01 July 2014

Murphy up to his own tricks

Just to prove Maddie's not the only one who can get into trouble, I got a call from Laura at lunchtime in a total panic - Murphy had run off and she'd been looking for him for half an hour to no avail. Various people had apparently seen him but she couldn't locate him. Think she had everyone in the woods looking for him, she was in a real panic and was there anyone at home who could help her look?

I decided to go home to help and Sally offered to run me home as I had the bike. Half way home I got a call from Alex (Emily's boyf) - he'd been skating at the track and Murphy had come bouncing up to say hello. He'd walked round with him for about 20 minutes but no sign of Maddie or Laura so he'd taken him home and put him in the house - but still no sign of Maddie. Did I have Laura's number?

Good man, Alex! I let Laura know and thanked him. Murphy rescue mission aborted and we went back to work. At least there were no deer legs involved this time!

Now I'm wondering - did Murphy run off after a deer (as I assumed) or did he realise Alex was there and go to say hello?

Who knows. All's well that ends well but I suspect some use of the extending lead will be brought into play for the near future.

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