09 May 2013

He's still got it!

So Murphy's still got it, Maddie's looking for it and Gizzy's giving it out.

At the vet yesterday with Murphy for his boosters. He loves the receptionist and always runs in and puts his front paws up on the counter (which is quite high) to say hello. She wasn't there when we arrived - in the back getting medicines etc - so when she came back as there was nobody else in I let go the lead to let him say hi. (I was sitting down at this point).

Well! He didn't just go and say hi, he took off and leapt up, landing ON THE TOP OF THE COUNTER!! Gave the receptionist the fright of her life! Not bad for a 9 year old golden retriever from a standing start, though.

Maddie of course is still attempting to patrol the garden in a raucous manner but we're getting wise to her.

Finally, Gizzy's doing her bit to keep the mayhem going. She bit Richard on the hand when he was in bed yesterday morning (looking for her breakfast) and his hand has completely swollen up! Very hot and angry looking (worse than mine went a few months ago). A trip to the pharmacist yesterday and the doctor today had resulted in a tetanus jag, TCP washes and a course of penicillin :(.

The worse news is that he's supposed to be going to Spain on a team-building field trip on Saturday and if his hand hasn't started recovering he'll be going on a trip to hospital instead!

Bad cat!

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