19 February 2012

Meanwhile, in other news...

I got a job! It's the job I'm doing now actually, but it's a permanent position whereas I'm currently on a temporary contract covering sick leave. Fantastic!

It was a bit of a roller-coaster though - my new friend Sally who also works on a temporary contract in the office also wanted the job. We both duly put in our applications Friday week before and she got an email that afternoon to say she had an interview... I heard hee-haw so over the next 4 or 5 days came to terms with the fact that I wasn't going to get one. Cue a phonecall from HR at 4pm the day before interview days to ask why I hadn't confirmed my attendacne for an interview the following day... turns out they'd sent me an email but not to the account I expected so I'd missed it.

eek! A frantic evening (after tea, Guides and visiting) looking up what I wrote and thinking up experiences to recount and I duly attended on Friday.

Unfortunately the fact I got the job means Sally didn't; and that makes me sad. She was incredibly nervous and says she didn't show herself well in the interview at all... sigh. However they have rolled her contract over for another 3 months so hopefully by the end of that she'll find something or else be kept on somehow - I really hope so. the people I work with are very nice and I really enjoy being part of a team with them but I don't want to lose Sally!

Keep your fingers crossed everyone...

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