25 July 2011

reports from the South...

well here I am travelling the country again - Brighton this time, so hubby could relive (or try and remember) his youth...

Needless to say, cue the necessary visit to the vet before we go (no, not for us - the cat's not so well , we always seem to have some animal-related panic before we go anywhere) so poor Nick got left with the task of ensuring a quarter-tablet went down and stayed down the throat of our pill-averse pussy twice a day (with food) . Haven't yet heard how he got on but she'd eaten round it at two meals already before we left so no high hopes!

Anyway - we arrived in Gatwick and made it to middle England (somewhere in Surrey I believe, I just got off the train when told) to meet up woth R's cousin. Turned out R hadn't been at his most expansive when making the arrangements (really? you do surprise me!) so poor Lisa had no idea I was coming too and turned up at the station in a two-seater!

After initial confusion we made him walk to the pub while we drove...

Anyway, we had a nice time in Brighton, the weather pretty good, hotel nice if noisy - honestly, I though Aberdeen seagulls were bad, these ones were even worse! Just for noise at night though, no dive-bombing noticed.

It was pretty busy, especially at night and I've never seen so many policemen wandering around! They keep a very high profile it seems, at least on Friday & saturday nights (but seeing the number of drinking teens, 20s and 30s I can see why). Strangely I mentioned this to the taxidriver and he didn't agree (the no. of them around), guess he's never been to Aberdeen then!

R leabnered a valuable lesson - we went for a drink to a bar/hotel along from the hotel and he was addressed as "sweetheart" by the barman, much to his surprise. It wasn't til we left that I noticed the rainbow flag flying - R didn't know what it meant, hee hee. Soon learned...

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