02 June 2011


I just can't do everything! It's a frustrating reflection, but one I must come to terms with. I'm still juggling three jobs plus looking after the dogs (and trying to be their daddy as well as tough-mum) and living in the real world. Argh! Let me explain - I set the alarm early to go for a run (with the dogs) before hitting whichever job I was most into at the time) but have ended up with a huge blister on my heel due to taking the dogs out last night in shoes (no socks) I don't usually wear - so no running and a long(relatively) lie instead.

Then a bit of shimmying round the kitchen clearing up after last night before settling into some blog-research. Cue absorption until I realised at 1.45pm I was supposed to be picking up Zoe to take her to tennis class (she's 3) at that exact time. So I just had enough time to gather the stuff I wanted to put into drycleaning (still in the car, btw) before heading out - still in jeans and flipflops (well I walked the dogs in my crocs and no socks so save the heel and got more blisters on both feet) and no makeup. Tennis went well (from my point of view, I got to sit for half an hour and interact) then I even managed to drop her off in good time to meet her mum and older sister at the schoolgates!

Off to work as a lawyer - jeans an' all (I know but no clients to see) til 6 at which point I rememebred it was Wednesday and Maddie's training evening - no chance! Have to leave at 6.10 to get there so she got a night off. Had Emma, a Guider coming at 7.30 to go over my learnings from camp (sitting my test later this summer) so just had time to take the dogs out for their evening perambulation (cue another style of shoe and more blisters) before she arrived.

Then, although I'd intended to spend the evening continuing job no. 3 (case study for book) I spent part of it doing more lists for camp and wrestling with the girlguiding UK website (it is not letting me on and I need on to amend and print off the Permission forms for camp to hand out tomorrow evening aaaaargggh) before concentrating on the case study.

Thank God Richard's away I've gone through more wine than I intended (and a lot more chocolate, but then I haven't managed a proper meal yet today) and have the iPod on loud and it's almost 1am, and I have to get up at, like 6am cos tomorrow's a holiday of obligation (see Catholics) there's three masses and I can only make the 7am one..... I'm sensing I'm losing continuity here (I lost the ability to type about 20 minutes ago) so I'd better go to bed.

PS after poor Emma being confronted with Murphy giving her the heavy "love me" vibes (stares, shadowing and hand-licking), Maddie the general "will you play with me?" interest (hovering with tennis ball in mouth) and then Gizzy with the cat-stare (fe-e-e-ed me!) - she coped very well - I spent 20 minutes outside throwing the ball for Maddie but she still avoids me in the house so what can you do?

I REALLY must go I'm definitely havering now...  glass of wine anyone?

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