oh dear, here we go again! Poor Murphy - and poor me! My female abilities to multitask tried to the limit! My two tasks today were to meet Tracy at 10 to get the research papers, meet Veronica for a coffee after and be at home for 3pm for a phone interview for a job. (meanwhile getting the dogs walked).
The meeting was cancelled so I went swimming (and took so long to get orgnised that I only managed half my usual amount), met Veronica for lunch then headed off to take the dogs out. Then things started getting a bit complicated... took the dogs out for their walk and to cut a long story short, realised Murphy had hurt his paw. So got them home, washed the offending paw and discovered it was worse than I thought - he was leaving blood all over the carpet/kitchen floor; so I had no choice - with 15 minutes to go before the interview I headed down the road, abandoned Murphy at the vets (he wusnae happy at being put in a cage while they waited for the vet to be free) and headed back.
So I had my interview (while daring Maddie to make a noise and half way through having to fetch her pink squeaky bone from under the sofa before she started barking at it), finiahes and shot back down to the vets to pick up the wounded warrier. It turns out he had a cut in his paw from ice! Small but deep - so we're back to the bandaged paw, the lampshade and the poor dog feeling very sorry for himself .. not to mention the fight we're going to have three times a day trying to keep his bandage dry on walks!!!
On the down side, Maddie is taking a while to accustom herself to the monster with the lampshade on his head... she's so far done nothing but bark and growl at him! C'est la vie....
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