I was a wee bit late this morning so murfs and mads got a bit of a bum deal- they were put into their walking harnesses and put in the car then I had to go and pick up Feen so all they got was a ride in the car then home. Oops- so I took them down the river later on, I ended up very wet and not a little muddy! Still I was getting over it and the walk would have passed off without incident til we got back to the carpark - not the usual one as it was full- and maddie decided to go for a wee wander instead of getting in the car. Unfortunately she's never really learned about hedges so today her lessons began... Tried to treat it as a wall and climbed up it but when her "flyin leap
and a scramble" tecnique got to the top we had a problem. Her weight pulled the hesg away from the wall and she fell down between the two! Never one to meekly await rescue, she tried the same techniqe to get back out, accompanied by a new one of simply pushing... And ended up stuck half way through the hedge with her head poking out! I was considering pushing her back in to lift her up but she decided brute force was the answer and just went for it- freeing herself ( into my arms and thence the car, tout de suite!), leaving a very woebegone and battered looking hedge hanging off the wall and with holes in it. I tried to fix it but not really possible, so I snuck off and hoped nobody was watching. Oops again. I think we'll avoid that carpark for a while!
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