geeze, it's been a while! I'm attracting all sorts of technical problems - for a start facebook doesn't seem to accept me anymore - I've changed my password 4 times now and every time I go in with the new one it refuses and i have to change it AGAIN! I'm thinking of giving it up - nothing's worth this much hassle.
Anyway, double trouble are fine. Gizzy's taken to sitting on my laptop or papers at the most inconvenient times - either to say she wants fed or just to say hello. Nice, but irritating! She's in mouse-kill mode - 3 last week. About time too - the garage cupboard is infested and I even saw one running away the last time I was in.
Murphy has chewed the wing off his new toy duck and it's no longer its pristine cream self - looking a bit chewed and mucky now - still he seems to like it so it's all good. I'll find a decent recent photo... oh yes, as you can see he's taking this sofa promotion thing seriously - here are my boys!
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