10 September 2009


well what can I say? murphy has been pretty good lately - I told you about the snaffling of the leftover chocolates, didn't I? and the chasing of the cat when she followed us up to the track? And the assistance with the painting (resulting in minor paint splashes on his tail and ear)... well now we've ledt the two of them to the tender mercies of Nick and Andy (better than a diet!) while we swan off to sunny Sardinia. Well, I say sunny.... I'm sitting here in the coffee area (so we can get wifi) looking out at the beautiful blue swimming pool and the hills beyond (down which we could hear the tinkling of goat/sheep bells yesterday as they made their way down the said mountain) ..and the pouring rain.

Briefly our holiday so far - day 1 (the journey) R bought a new satnav in Duty Free as stepson no. 2 borrowed ours months ago and despite numerous requests we only got it back the day before we left (one of his friends had it) and they didn't give us the all-inportant cradle. Day 2 am - upon getting back in the car for some orientation we discover the new satnav is broken - when I took it off the windscreen the previous night it flew off and must have hit the bar under the seat. Cue major loss of sense of humour from husband for most of the day.

Day 3 (day 2 here) we head off pronto to the beach after brakfast - as it was beautiful when we found it but we didn't have our swimmies so decided to come back today and try again. Just as we arrived - literally - I saw a jag of lightning above us and there was the loudest crack of thunder I have ever heard - not only directly above us but truly the loudest I have ever heard (and there were some awesome ones in Lebanon). Cue an immediate exodus of the 40-odd folk in the sea! So we sat under towels and beach umbrellas for 2 or 3 hours til lunchtime (I finished my second book of the trip) and then headed back to the hotel to change (it was monsoon-like by this time, I sat in the car for 10 minutes to let it subside before braving the run from the carpark to our room)

And now we've had a lovely lunch (not exactly boosted by the waiter's assertion that today is the end of the Sardinian summer but it's lovely and sunny in London!) and it's 3 hours til dinner. I guess I'll have to start book no 3 now, Richard's gone back to the room for a snooze.

Happy holidays!!

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