30 June 2009

summer activities

apologies to my non-existent readers for the recent lack of communication.. been pretty busy, me the dog and cat. This afternoon I have to go to the supermarket to pur-chase the ingredients for a smooth evening.. we're taking the dog to see the opera! - no, I'm not buying tranquilisers, for me, the dog or the performers!

It's on the big screen in the park so we're (well I'm) getting a picnic together (must remember to get wine with a screwtop this time!!)..I'll rum Murphy down to the park and Richard'll take all the food, his bowl and water, (and blankey and food and a treat and a toy), chairs etc down in the car. Hopefully the dog will have enoiugh of the fidgets shaken out of him that he'll snooze without trying to (a) eat anyone else's picnic or (b) rumble around and sniff everythin/one else... watch this space!

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