05 May 2009

dogs for courses

football just ain't Murphy's thing, really! He doesn't chase them (unless they're so saggy he can bite into them to lift them up) and doesn't like it when Richard watches it. Probably partly cos Richard goes mental while watching England games.

But he spent the whole Arsenal/Man U game fast asleep on the kitchen floor and now it's finished he's dragged himself through to his bed behind the sofa.

Whereas this afternoon he spent a most enjoyable hour in the rain going through the woods and finding every mud puddle he could - I managed to get him to dunk himself in a relatively clean burn to wash off the worst but he then started digging under a tree root and got even muddier! funnily enough he wasn't at all keen on the hosing down he had to get in the back garden after all that - he prefers his water to be more of the countrified variety! (ie in the ground)

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