16 April 2009

rise and shine!

we discovered on our walk this morning that some people had decided to camp in the corner of the track, amongst the trees. Isla and Archie had already been investigating when Murphy & I arrived, so of course Murphy was right over there, sniffing around. Needless to say, he took exception to the 3 tents and started barking at them! Luckily I managed to call him away before an irate camper emerged. However as he ran towards me I realised he had left his calling card at the campsite - a wet sock.

So when we ran into Lynn and Archie this afternoon we headed off to retrieve the sock, which we did, as the tents were gone - but what a mess they'd left behind! I had to wrestle a tube of Pringles off Murphy - Archie spent 10 minutes barking at him but he wouldn't give him a sniff. I went back up later with a couple of bin bags and collected 4 sleeping mats, a pillow (nice pillowcase), 2 tent poles, 4x 2 litre unopened bottles of fizz, half a bottle of Peach Schnapps, 2 empty half bottles of vodka, a bottle of green something, a half full barrel of heineken, umpteen full and empty packets of crisps, chewy sweets, cigarette packets, wrappings, boxes, bottles of beer etc etc. richard came and helped me carry them to the bin - he wouldn't let me bring them home to put in recycling; but at least the neighbourhood dogs won't be stuffing themselves for the next couple of weeks.

I'm not sorry now Murphy woke them all with their hangovers at 7.30am!!

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