24 January 2009

and now..

well here we are, another weekend, packed full of Murphy chances and walks, adventures and tastes!

I took Murphy out for a walk with Veronica and the girls - the first thing he did was get through a barbed wire fence and chase a flock of sheep which stampeded across a field eeek! I took off over the same fence with alacrity amd ran across the field, screaming at him in my sternest voice to come back NOW! Luckily he did, before the farmer hoved into view with shotgun at the ready..

I had to explain to a confused but interested 3 and a half year old why dogs chase sheep (in Murphy's case, mainly because they run away) and why that is a bad thing - without actually saying that the farmer can shoot him. In the long run she was more interested in the whole "dogs say hello by sniffing each other's bottoms" thing, which came up later in the walk!

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