04 April 2008

never work with animals or children

or mostly animals in my case - I had to shut Murphy inside last night as he was bouncing around the back garden at midnight, announcing his presence to the world. (He woke us at 3am on Monday night by deciding Nick arriving home was a fierce intruder and needed to be scared off), then took his revenge at 12.30 by taking issue with something or other and giving it laldy in the living room (under our bedroom), finally subsiding to quieter and quieter growls and the odd strangled bark when nothing further happened. From my experience of these matters he probably didn't even get off the floor to produce this commotion!

Gizzy meantime was outside our bedroom door announcing that she wanted in and surely it was time for some more food?!

On Wednesday evening we went in past the stables (I say that - it's actually a 20 minute detour) to get Emily and Otis took a shine to one of the buttons on my new (first day on!) raincoat and I had a struggle to get him to give it back. It'll never be the same again...

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