02 March 2008

hello from the west

Here we are in sunny Glasgow - well sunny at the moment - it was pouring when we arrived yesterday and particularly when we met up with Susan and Ian to take Murphy a walk round the country park! Not that it hampered the Murf's enjoyment of the mud, water and bushes to explore!

He's been very good - we left him with Mum & Dad while we went out socialising last night and he was apparently very good. We took his new toy, the Cookie Monster with us (an old soft toy of Emily's) and before we left him he had ripped the eyes off it (we rescued the plastic bits from his mouth before he swallowed them) and sooked all the stuffing out the head. He doesn't try to eat that, he spits it out and returns to the fray. Apparently as soon as we left he lost all interest in it (well he'd sooked the head dry by then). That's my boy!

In the meantime back at home Emily is looking after a friend's lab puppy... but Gizzy has apparently taken excpetion to the intruder and is defending Murphy's territory. She keeps following poor Charlie round the house and smacking him on the nose! Poor Charlie doesn't know what to do. So we've had to suggest quarantining Gizzy into the utility room where her food is.. she's probably stretched out on the clean towels as I write this, plotting her revenge. Welcome home Murphy!

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