Oh dear, I don't know how I am going to cope! What will we do? - Murphy has left home! He's gone off with Nick and g-friend & parents for a stay by the seaside. He'll have a wonderful time, he'll be the centre of attention (they're leaving Baxter behind) which is always his idea of a good time, and Nick has been warned to look after him - and he will, Nick's good for that kind of thing.
But we're left without our baby! Nobody to "purr" at us when we've finished eating or having a biscuit (translation - "my turn, give me attention/pizza/biscuit"), nobody to follow us round the house - with his eyes if not actually - and park himself in the most awkward places when we're rushing round the kitchen. Nobody to bounce round the garden barking, or to sleep on our feet in the evenings, or to distribute his shoe collection round the house, or to greet us at the door with a furiously wagging tail... nobody to make us get up and go for a walk, then to have a towel wrestle with, nobody to rest his head on our knee and fix us with those big eyes, to laugh at when he plays or talk to as we go about the place (or is that just me?) ... nobody to hug, to dress up (Emily) or to swear at (Andy).. we are truly bereft.....
... just as well it's only 2 nights and he'll be back on Friday!
no murfs to stare at me while i munch my pop corn!! : )