well here I am on a Saturday night, sitting on the sofa listening to the washing machine and not watching the football which Richard has on... what an exciting life we lead! I wouldn't mind only we went to the pictures last night (I wanted to go tonight) cos richard wanted to be in tonight for the kids.. and both are out at parties! Still, at least I saw The Golden Compass twice on consecutive days instead of twice on the same day (went to see it today with the girl I take out every couple of weeks after having seen it last night). It's actually better the second time. And I got to spend an hour and a half curling Emily's hair, only burnt us both a couple of times with her curling tongs - it was just a shame that it started to fall out (the curls, not the hair!) quite quickly so she ended up tying it up.. oh well, we got to see Madagascar while we did it so time not entirely wasted, and I know how I'd do it better next time, if she ever lets me near her head again...
Murphy's ears are better and he's definitely back to his old self - out barking at midnight last night, forcing me to get up, stand on the bidet in the ensuite and shout out the window to him to go to his bed. It does work. Then of course Andy tried to sneak in at 1am to pick up his work stuff for today (not actually sleeping here last night) so woke him up and more barking... then Gizzy took advantage of me forgetting to shut the bedroom door after the last dog-admonishment and strolled in to stand on Richard and purr in his ear - not happily received at 2am, I can't imagine why...
by the way here's Gizzy's impression of Murphy...
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