Hello world, once more! So -
what's been happening? Well, we had to go to a funeral on Wednesday. It was very strange - not like a Scottish funeral at all. Probably because it wasn't! Although I suppose I haven't been to a non-religious funeral, well, ever… so who knows? An old family friend of Richard's. He was the same age as Richard. We arranged for care for the dogs and flew down to London.
It turned out to be a long day with not much breaks. We got to the crematorium about 15 minutes early to join the queue for Rory's "Barbecue" (as he called it, apparently) - and that was a measure of his attitude and sense of humour. As his brother said - always irreverent but never malicious. His coffin had a police strip round it, an L sticker on the back ands several other signs attached - "Marinated in beer, sherry and red wine", "Toxic Waste" and "Sponsored by SAGA".
It all took and hour and half (I guess that's why they had the last slot at the Crem.) and I've never seen so many men in business suits cry. It's a reflection of the affection Rory was universally held in that there were way too many people for the crem "room" (is that what you all them?) and about 30 people had to crowd outside - unfortunately that meant they couldn't really hear much of the service and it included us! We're really glad we made the effort to go, but given that we had to heard back to the airport immediately after, it does seem a hell of a long way to go to stand for an hour and a half and listen to some vague murmerings!
Luckily for everyone the one hymn they sang was "Jerusalem" - which I don't know.
Isn't it always the people who are larger than life that go too soon? Is that one of the ironies of life?Maybe one we could do without.