makes it very difficult at times... all this snow - again - then the rain, and more rain. but it hasn't got rid of the snow! Not up at the track or in the woods anyway, yesterdy and today it was the weirdest thing - like walking through a slush puppy! The ground is still frozen, you see, and although it's too warm to snow it's too cold for the snow to melt so you get about 3-3 inches of water sitting on top of the snow and when you walk on it it mushes down into slush. With hard-packed, frozen snow underneath in many areas! It just makes it all that slightly bit harder... poor Murpy's walks have been a bit on the perfunctory side.
Maddie loves it though, the only differenceis that she races through all these HUGE puddles and then jumps on you. Her paws seem to be very sponge-like, they certainly leave lots of water all over you! (and mud when she's been under the tree in the garden terrorising the cat (three times tonight - I had to carry her in each time before she annoyed the neighbours with her constant barking at her)
This is mainly a blog about the doings of two dogs and a cat, but with additional comments on my life thrown in
26 February 2010
21 February 2010
progress report

well Mrs T does seem to be getting a bit better - a concerted effort to go back to taking her out every hour seems to be working, more or less. Of course, there's always a drawback and it seems to be her continued fascination with the poor cat - despite Gizzy's swipes at her she doesn't seem to have been dissuaded from tormenting her, sigh.
..I've just realised she's chewing the top off the bottle of champagne in the winerack - guess we'll have to drink it now! (well, after easter once Lent's over)
ON a different note had a surfeit of church today - the usual 9am mass at which I was cantoring (and forgot the words to the allulujah) then immediately onto the Guide Thinking Day service at the bottom of the road. At least we got coffee and biscuits after that one! Amazing how many people I meet at these things I know from dogwalking...
As you can see the weather continues to be clement. Luckily the dogs love it!
16 February 2010
she's driving me NUTS! Has started having "accidents" indoors again - accidents my backside! She's doing it on purpose, every time she doesn't get to go out with Murphy or doesn't get her own way somehow. Rarely does anything while we're out, only when we're in. Richard had barely left tonight (in fact he was still in the vestibule putting on his many layers, preparatory to taking Murphy out) and after a blameless day and within a timescale of about 3 minutes she wee'd on Murphy's bed, attacked the cat and spilt the treat tub, eating the lot. Add her uncanny ability to levitate over the babygate at the bottom of the stairs and she is Mrs T alright!!
14 February 2010
I've let it slip again... and that's not the only thing I've let slip! dropped the puppy treat tub last night - you've never seen two dogs move so fast! Richard said Murphy was just helping but that's would only have been true if he'd been hoovering up the spilt treats. It was the tub itself I couldnt get him out of!!
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