28 March 2009

a visitor

Murphy had a visitor yesterday, a lovely, laid back black lab called Robbie. Apparently when he came round Murphy realised he had backup and started barking at Gizzy!

I took Murphy for a run and offered to take Robbie too - but his owner ( a friend of Andy's) said he thought it would probably kill him - he's not as fit as Murphy! And right enough, he is a wee bit rotunder, but a such a lovely soft dog!

Meanwhile Murphy's ears are slowly improving - to the stage where they're good enough start putting ear drops in. We're still on the antibiotics and painkillers as well so a wee bit to go.

23 March 2009

in the wars again

Poor old murphs - he started shaking his head last week so after a couple of days of it not going away we decided to reuse the eardrops that were left over from December..but 4 days in it seemed to be getting worse and worse so we stopped and got him into the vets pronto - turns out we were probably making it worse as the drops were out of date (they only last a month once opened - take note any users of left-over medicine out there!).

So our hero is now on antibiotics and painkillers.... at least we don't have to put anything else in his ears, the whimpering would break your heart!

(meanwhile Gizzy is her usual manic self, she was doing her mad dashes round the house yesterday and literally ran slap bang into the dog! I dont' know who was more suprised, but it didn't stop her for long)

11 March 2009


Took Murphy for a long run tonight - trying to work off the chocolate lunch I had (never go to M & S when you're hungry), and I was reminded of an occasion from about 3 years ago, when I was training for the half marathon - there's a house which is above the railway line on your left with the garden fence at the top of the bank (not very far from where you walk along). Murphy had taken a detour off the line and through their garden as he did every now and then. He leapt over the fence to get back onto the line (I guess it's lower on the other side) - all well and good except for the poor girl who was walking towards me and got the fright of her life when a huge hairy bundle of teeth came raining out of the sky, heading straight at her!

08 March 2009


as you'll have guessed things have been quiet on the Murphy front recently... well, quiet metaphorically speaking - someone rang the doorbell tonight just as he started into his dinner. What's a dog to do? Our hero managed an acceptable compromise, though - he barked WHILE scoffing his dinner! A bit muffled, granted, but I'm sure the visitor was suitably scared! Well done our Murfs!

(well, he had to make up for me having discovered yet another empty chocolate wrapper in the garden!!!)