...I thought I'd give you a wee bit history of our bold hero and found this picture of him as a puppy, just after we got him.
Aaaww, doesn't he look sweet? Doesn't he look as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth? Don't you believe it!
Exactly that did indeed melt in his mouth, just as soon as we had to put him onto doggy weightwatchers (of which more another time) and he discovered the kitchen worktops to be a hitherto unexplored source of delight, including "abandoned" food - not that he waits to confirm the abandoned assumption - he just scoofs it up and then sits around looking innocent. the first thing that went was butter... we couldn't quite believe it and it seemed quite funny.. til I came in one evening to find Richard had left my dinner out for me and all that was left was a (very clean) plate siitting there, with a scattering of peas and carrots sprinkled around it - bang went my shepherd's pie - not so funny then..!
When we got him he was the same size (NOT the same build) and roughly the same colour as Eddie (the cat, remember?) so he naturally thought, coming from a large cohort of brothers and sisters as he did, that here was another one to play with. Eddie knew he was a cat, but Murphy thought he was a dog, and Eddie never disabused him of that. For a year was chased around the house and they wrestled, Eddie would chew Murphy's nose, legs or anything else he could get his paws round. He never used his claws, though. When he had had enough he would head for the high ground (moral and practical).
The trampoline in the garden provided him with a safe haven for a while - Eddie would stand on top, thinking he was safe as Murphy at that point was too wee and round to get onto it. But Murphy the puppy wisnae daft, and could see Eddie's shadow from underneath - so he ran about under it and jumped up, headbutting the cat from below! Eddie was most discomfitted, and backed off until he was at the edge of the trampoline - at which point Murphy popped up again behind him with his front paws on the edge - "hello! it's me!" You can see why Eddie took to the trees in time-honoured cat fashion.
The neighbours got a kitten too (Spencer - you may as well know the cast's names) - a disciple of Eddie's, he used to lick his feet when they met, and the two of them would drive poor old Murf mad - they would take a tree each and just sit there, watching as he bounced up and down underneath, barking, trying to get them to come the heck down and play! - it never worked.
Now he just stands underneath trees that contain anything from cats and birds to squirrels and barks at them, or just sits with his mouth open - I don't know if he thinks they're just going to fall into his waiting jaws but hope certainly springs eternal on that front!
Next time I'll explain the subtle difference between Eddie and Gizzy (our current cat) in their dealings with our hero.